#IAmRemarkable Facilitators

Man and woman sitting next to each other
Man and woman sitting next to each other

Your role as a facilitator

Join a global network of over 4000 active facilitators and be the ambassador of #IAmRemarkable in your company or community. Help people celebrate their achievements by organizing and hosting #IAmRemarkable workshops for your personal or professional networks.

How to become a facilitator?

  1. Attend an #IAmRemarkable workshop
  2. Register to become an #IAmRemarkable facilitator
  3. Attend a two hour, online train-the-trainer session provided by the #IAmRemarkable team at Rmrkblty
  4. Run the workshop and scale within your community, company or organization
  5. Stay in touch with the #IAmRemarkable team for ongoing support
Woman sat on a chair smiling


Christopher M. Eugenio,
Advisor, Board of trustees, GICC Philippines

#IAmRemarkable is excellent for team building. As a leader, I've always believed in the power of the collective. And although the workshop focuses on self-promotion, when team members are empowered to share and own their success stories, they learn not just to take up space but also create opportunities for others.

Christopher M. Eugenio, Advisor, Board of trustees, GICC Philippines

Moran Frieder,
Senior Technical Trainer at F5 Networks, Israel

I see myself in every participant’s story and it is rewarding to support others to thrive. #IAmRemarkable is a daily practice and facilitating it is a constant reminder to develop my own self promotion skills. I am thankful for each participant who allows me to be a part of their growth moments.

Moran Frieder, Senior Technical Trainer at F5 Networks, Israel

William Vergara PĂ©rez,
Leadership Development Leader at Nestlé, Colombia

I wanted to become a facilitator to have a positive impact on my organization, but during the Train the Trainer session I realized that the impact starts within yourself. Every workshop is a self-discovery process where you can reflect on yourself through the conversations with participants.

William Vergara Pérez, Leadership Development Leader at Nestlé, Colombia

Jenny Garrett,
Executive Coach & Leadership Trainer, UK

It’s great to be a part of a global movement, championing opportunity for all to succeed in the workplace. I love illuminating my audience through #IAmRemarkable workshops, they see that their skills and qualities are worth shouting about and that they're best placed to do it.

Jenny Garrett, Executive Coach & Leadership Trainer, UK

Sunaina Kohli,
People Experience, PwC Middle East, United Arab Emirates

I have come to appreciate #IAmRemarkable as a critical vehicle in opening up people’s perspectives, challenging bias and ultimately building inclusive behaviours. Through discussions and the exercises weaved into the session, we learn more about our colleagues than we know through daily work interactions.

Sunaina Kohli, People Experience, PwC Middle East, United Arab Emirates

Our facilitator community in numbers

Become a certified #IAmRemarkable Facilitator
